
An analytic plateform dedicated to genomics data.
Made by SciLicium.

Get Started

The ultimate platform for RNA-seq data

Use dynamic display to make data reading easier and customise your dashboard as needed to focus only on what matters. Unlock new modules to personalise your workspace and discover your data from a new perspective.

Access your BRBseq analysis results provided by SciLicium directly in your dashboard.

GenoLens Features

Discover what makes GenoLens an essential platform for transcriptomics
data analysis & visualisation

Sample to data

GenoLens is helping you to visualise transcriptomics data from your samples using their description.

Dedicated dashboard

Focus on what matters: your biological question.

State of the art analysis

GenoLens confidently offers state-of-the-art RNAseq analysis to provide clearer insights into your data.

Standardised analysis

Use the power of SciLicium to make your data comparablethroughout a dedicated and standardised pipeline.

And more...

Send us feedback so we can improve your user experience and answer your questions.

Standardised data analysis

Get a BRB-seq analysis service from Scilicium and receive all the results in your personal GenoLens dashboard. This will help you visualize the data in a comprehensive and detailed report.

Get Started

Register for beta

Want to discover the GenoLens plateform? Register now for the beta, we will get back to you to schedule a demo.

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